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Saginaw Workers' Compensation Law Blog

Six Michigan workers die due to work-related accidents in July

Michigan workers know that every job comes with its own inherent risks. It doesn’t matter if someone works in the construction field, the automotive field or even in an office, dangerous conditions at these places can cause a serious accident or even death. And according to recent data, Michigan workers continue to suffer and die on the job. Data released by the Michigan Occupational SafetyContinue reading

Important safety tips that can protect a Michigan worker’s eyes

While the eyes may be the window to the soul, Michigan workers know that they are also critical for working. Without the ability to see, employees wouldn’t be able to function properly. The eyes are extremely susceptible to injury however, so steps must be taken every day to make sure that they are safe. Here are some important safety steps that can be used toContinue reading

Agency reports 20 percent of all Americans have a disability

Michigan residents may know that a disability doesn’t have to keep an individual from working. They may know many fellow workers that continue to work every day despite suffering from some type of chronic condition. Now a new report indicates that a sizeable percentage of Americans are living each day with some type of disability. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has just releasedContinue reading

What is asbestos and why is it a danger in Michigan workplaces?

Workers across the state of Michigan and in various industries including construction and automobile repair may at some time in their careers encounter asbestos. What is asbestos, and why is it dangerous? Essentially, asbestos is a group of minerals that were widely used in years past because they were resistant to both corrosion and hot temperatures. Asbestos was used as a building material, in flooringContinue reading

Congress struggles to save the Social Security Disability Program

Michigan workers know that they can count on the federal government’s Social Security Disability program to help them pay for medical expenses if they are suffering from a workplace accident. However, recent testimony by Social Security Administration personnel indicates that the disability program is in a serious financial crisis that may affect everyone who is receiving benefits. Founded in 1956, the SSDI program was signedContinue reading

Saginaw construction worker killed in construction accident

Workers and families harmed by a construction accident are protected through workers’ compensation and the legal system. Sadly, a construction accident in the Saginaw area recently killed a construction worker. A 40-year old Saginaw man was killed on a local college campus construction project. According to an investigation, one construction worker was operating an excavator to dump stone into a ditch when the excavator slidContinue reading

Tips to prevent soft tissue injuries at Michigan worksites

Soft tissue injuries are injuries to the muscles, discs, tendons, ligaments, nerves and cartilage in the body. They can include back injuries such as a herniated disc and low back strain and upper body injuries such as rotator cuff damage. Soft tissue injuries are a common occurrence at many Michigan worksites and can cause significant pain and disability. The National Institute for Occupational Safety andContinue reading

Data reveals nearly 500 Michigan work-related amputations a year

The loss of a finger, toe, hand or foot is potentially devastating for any worker and will often result in permanent disability. Unfortunately, according to some recent government statistics, Michigan workers continue to suffer more amputation injuries than other workers in the nation. The most recent data from the Michigan Department of Community Health and Michigan State University indicates that in 2012 there were 491Continue reading

How can Michigan industries reduce workplace noise?

When one thinks of workplace injuries, everything from falls to repetitive stress injuries may come to mind. But one common industrial injury is often overlooked. Hearing loss caused by excessive noise is a real issue for many industries in Michigan. But are there steps employers can take to help reduce this problem? According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, workers should notContinue reading

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