A Detroit teacher who broke up a fight between her students with a broom has filed a workers’ compensation claim. The woman made headlines after the video of her using the broom went viral. According to reports, she was initially fired and then rehired after the incident by Michigan’s turnaround school district.
Unfortunately, medical health professionals have prohibited her from returning to work as the environment may aggravate her stress disorders. As a result, she filed a workers’ compensation claim to recover not only medical expenses incurred from the incident but also lost wages from time away that resulted from the fight.
The incident shows another type of workers’ compensation claim that are not commonly talked about. While we all know workers’ comp is available for those that break their leg falling from a ladder or are injured by a piece of machinery on a manufacturing line, few associate workplace injuries are with so-called white-collar jobs.
The truth is, however, that all workers are susceptible to workplace injuries. Moreover, those employed by the state in criminal justice or mental health professions may be exposed to some dangerous environments. These environments may result in emotional, as well as physical injuries.
The nature of such claims, however, may not be as straightforward as a fall from a ladder. As a result, an injured worker may run up against some resistance to paying the claim. Local Saginaw area attorneys can help these workers present their claim or challenge any denials which may have occurred. Michigan worker’s rights need to be protected in every circumstance and a experienced attorney may be able to assist them.
Source: Business Insurance, “Detroit teacher who broke up fight with broom files workers comp claim,” Stephanie Goldberg, July 11, 2014