Being injured on the job can be a challenging and frustrating situation for any Michigan worker. In just a matter of moments, someone can go from being a normal, healthy individual, who is providing for his or her family, to a person who is unable to work and now requires medical care and special treatment. It is even more frustrating when that worker realizes that he or she will no longer be able to take care of the monetary needs of their family for a period of time. Fortunately, workers compensation benefits can provide the necessary financial remuneration that an injured Michigan worker needs. But, it is important to remember that workers’ compensation may not cover injuries that occur at all types of work situations.
If an injury occurs while performing one’s job, then the worker is covered by the workers’ compensation program. That is precisely the situation that it was created for. But, if someone is injured going to work or going back home from work, then they are not covered. However, if the person’s job requires them to travel on behalf of the company, then they are covered in this situation. Nonetheless, if that person changes their travel plan, let’s say to visit a family member that is near their destination, then they may not meet eligibility requirements.
If a worker is hurt while goofing around on the job, that person may or may not be covered for their injury. In various different cases over the years, courts have realized that there usually is a certain amount of goofing around on the job and an injury that occurs while doing this can be covered. If someone is hurt while they were misbehaving deliberately, then they are not covered by workers’ compensation benefits.
Another area that is not covered by workers’ compensation is company social functions. So, if someone is injured at a company picnic or Christmas party, they probably will not be able to receive any benefits for their injury. No matter what the situation, it is always a good idea to have a clear understanding of when workers’ compensation benefits can apply. Additional information can be found at the source for this blog, or from a legal expert who has experience with workers compensation cases.
Source:, “An overview of Workers’ Compensation in Michigan,” Nov. 2000.