Tag Archives: workers’ compensation

Can I sue my employer for injuries sustained on the job?

One of the most common questions injured employees ask is whether they can sue their employers for getting hurt on the job. The answer depends on the circumstances surrounding the injury. Michigan, like many other states, has adopted what is called an exclusive remedy provision. In exchange for employers providing workers’ compensation insurance to all employees, there is a regulation which then prohibits employees fromContinue reading

New rules regarding workers’ compensation reimbursement

A new rule to the workers’ compensation laws in Michigan may affect your ability to be reimbursed for prescription drugs. The rule is designed to address the long-term use of pain relievers. While touted as a measure to prevent drug abuse, it is also intended to save employers money on workers’ compensation benefits paid out to their employees. According to the new rule, patients receivingContinue reading

Workers’ compensation claims set to rise in Michigan winter

It’s that time of year where the sidewalks turn to ice and every corner you turn could reveal a new patch of the slick stuff. Every year Michigan is inundated with wintry weather that puts us all at risk for a slip and fall accident. According to recent statistics, slip and fall accidents account for one-third of every workers’ compensation claim in Michigan during theContinue reading

Statistics highlight types of accidents resulting in claims

The Bureau of Labor Statistics gathers numbers each year from across the country on a multitude of topics. One of the more grim statistics is the number and type of workplace fatalities that occur each year. In Michigan last year, 133 fatal workplace accidents were reported. Of those, 42 resulted from transportation related incidents, while an additional 40 were caused by workplace violence. These twoContinue reading

Medical care for workers in Michigan cheaper than most places

We all know how expensive medical care can be. While we go through large portions of our life as healthy individuals, there comes a time in every person’s life where the cost of medical treatment is no longer an afterthought. While this can come with an unexpected diagnosis or something as simple as aging, workplace injuries are one of the most common causes of surprisingContinue reading

Michigan Supreme Court discusses workers’ compensation

This blog regularly touches on legal topics concerning Michigan’s workers’ compensation schemes. The laws which demand employers provide insurance coverage to their workers has a catch. Known as workers’ compensation exclusivity, an injured worker is generally only able to recover insurance benefits from an accident. In other words, he or she cannot also sue their employer for negligence. This issue was recently raised in frontContinue reading

Workers’ compensation resources available to Michigan employees

Workers’ compensation can be confusing. From the regulatory requirements imposed by the state, to the medical quirks of an actual claim, it’s difficult to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the topic with a quick Google search. As a result, various groups and organizations publish materials intended to spoon feed the information to their recipients. For instance, Michigan’s business communities regularly publish guides to help employersContinue reading

Michigan’s drop in workers’ compensation premiums

As word of Michigan’s big savings in workers’ compensation premiums continues to spread, locals are asking more questions about where those savings are coming from. Everyone from local economic groups to the governor are touting the savings as great for all involved from employers to employees. The effect on these two groups, however, are generally divergent. The less employers have to pay for insurance premiums,Continue reading

Michigan’s workers’ compensation rates continue to fall

Economic development organizations across Michigan are buzzing about a recent report published this past week. According to the report, Michigan companies have experienced a 27.7 percent decrease in workers’ compensation costs since 2011. Since local companies are the ones that fund the state’s workers’ compensation insurance system, economic groups intend to use these stats to encourage new companies to set up shop here in Michigan.Continue reading

Michigan employers struggle with workers’ compensation costs

A new report suggests that federal government employers’, including those in Michigan, efforts to control workers’ compensation costs have been hit and miss. While the total amount of costs have dipped $100 million in the past two years, it remains nearly a billion dollars more than the cost just 10 years ago. As a result, employers, like the Army and NASA, have been tinkering withContinue reading