On average, 1,550 Michigan residents die every year from a traumatic brain injury. On top of that, the Public Health Institute estimates another 9,340 are hospitalized with what may be diagnosed as a traumatic brain injury. These injuries may occur in any number of ways. While car accidents are often cited as the main culprit, it is also possible that an industrial injury can resultContinue reading
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Michigan man killed in industrial accident
A 49-year-old man was killed recently in a meat processing plant near Zeeland, Michigan. According to reports, the man was pulled into a piece of machinery during an overnight shift while cleaning the machinery and conveyors. His wife revealed that he was working overtime to pay household bills and will leave behind three daughters, aged 10, 7 and 11 months. Michigan’s occupational safety and healthContinue reading
Workplace accidents a serious risk to Michigan workers
Recently, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a study confirming that falling remains one of the leading causes of unintentional injury deaths in the United States. Ladder falls account for a staggering 43% of these falling deaths. In the construction industry, an even higher percentage of falls involve ladders. Eighty-one percent of those treated for a construction fall at a hospital said they fellContinue reading
Workers Compensation Claim Costs Being Examined in Michigan
The Workers Compensation Research Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts recently released a study showing that Michigan and just 15 other states account for 60% of the workers comp benefit payments in the United States. Notably absent from the study were high population states like California and New York. The staggering percentage was attributed, rather, to the lack of restrictions on medical treatment pricing. As a result,Continue reading
Workplace accidents one the decline for one Michigan company
The federal labor board recently issued statistics estimating that more than 3 million non-fatal workplace accidents occurred last year in the private sector. This figure amounts to approximately 3.4 accidents per 100 full-time workers. Michigan was not immune, suffering its fair share of incidents, mostly in the manufacturing industry. The injury types ranged from back injuries tied to lifting, all the way to burns causedContinue reading