Although companies generally strive to maintain a safe and productive working environment, the sad reality is that not all workplaces are safe and sometimes accidents do happen. Workplace injuries can be serious to an employee, often preventing him or her from working, and leading to costly and timely medical expenses and rehabilitation. When a workplace injury occurs, whether it is an industrial accident, such asContinue reading
Category Archives: Workplace Injuries
Reports indicate 3 Michigan workers killed in August
No worker goes to their job expecting to be injured. However, the fact remains that hundreds of Michigan workers are injured every year while performing their everyday responsibilities. And even worse, dozens of workers are killed during the year while on the job. A recent news release from the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration stated that three Michigan workers have died due to onsiteContinue reading
A pinched nerve can develop because of overuse
Workplace injuries can have a devastating effect on an employee. The injured worker can suddenly find themselves forced to take time off from the job which can then lead to lost wages and potentially even applying for workers’ compensation. And, while there are many different types of injuries that a worker can suffer while on the job, a far too common work injury faced byContinue reading
What is asbestos and why is it a danger in Michigan workplaces?
Workers across the state of Michigan and in various industries including construction and automobile repair may at some time in their careers encounter asbestos. What is asbestos, and why is it dangerous? Essentially, asbestos is a group of minerals that were widely used in years past because they were resistant to both corrosion and hot temperatures. Asbestos was used as a building material, in flooringContinue reading
When can a Michigan worker collect Social Security Disability?
Michigan workers know that getting injured on the job can have serious financial consequences. If they are lucky, their injury may not prevent them from missing a lot of time on the job. But what if a worker receives a far more serious injury and faces an extended period of time when they are unable to work? Are there programs that can help them replaceContinue reading
Some basic facts about spine injury
The human spine is a complex collection of bones, nerves and soft tissue that allows us to stand, move about and perform daily tasks, both at home and on the job. And while many Michigan residents may not know the exact name for every part of the spine, they are well aware of how a spinal injury on the job caused either by trauma orContinue reading
Tips to protect a worker’s hands while on the job
Ask any Saginaw, Michigan, worker who has suffered a repetitive motion hand injury and they’ll probably tell you that the day they injured their hand was the day that they stopped taking their hands for granted. Hand injuries account for up to 80 percent of all workplace injuries, so it’s important to remember a few tips that can help workers protect their hands. Part ofContinue reading
Carpal tunnel syndrome facts that Michigan workers should know
Most Saginaw, Michigan, workers are confident in their abilities to perform their jobs. They know that their managers and co-workers can depend on them to complete their daily work tasks to the best of their abilities. And, while they may from time to time go to work with small aches and pains, they know that it is important to recognize any physical signs that mayContinue reading
Workers injured in 193-vehicle Michigan crash may seek benefits
Not surprisingly, various agencies and organizations around Michigan are sniffing into the 193-car pileup on I-94. Crash investigators are just now turning their reports into state prosecutors to determine if charges will be filed and against whom in relation to the January 9 mega crash. Now, the Michigan Department of Transportation has issued a notice that it will undergo a safety study to see whetherContinue reading
Repetitive stress injuring hundreds of Saginaw area workers
As kids, we all learn about economies of scale, or the cost savings obtained through specialization. Rather than each immigrant to the New World managing each and every one of their needs independently, they began specializing in one thing or another. The blacksmith became an expert at pounding out horseshoes for everyone in town, while the baker became proficient at creating that loaf of ryeContinue reading