Six Michigan workers die due to work-related accidents in July

Michigan workers know that every job comes with its own inherent risks. It doesn’t matter if someone works in the construction field, the automotive field or even in an office, dangerous conditions at these places can cause a serious accident or even death. And according to recent data, Michigan workers continue to suffer and die on the job.

Data released by the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration indicated that six Michigan workers died while working on the job during the month of July. These six deaths raised the death toll in the state to 18 for the year. The safety agency continued to urge all employers and employees to be extremely careful and use all safety precautions while on the job.

Two of the workers’ deaths in July involved falls. In the first incident, a 53-year-old worker fell 20 feet off of a platform. In the other, a 30-year-old operations manager fell into a lower area while he was working in an area that was under construction.

In another event, a worker was in a hole installing a drainage system as part of the development of a new parking lot. Above him another worker was using a tractor to lower down needed materials into the work area. The tractor fell into the excavation area and landed on the laborer, killing him.

MIOSHA reports that there were 37 worker deaths in the state in 2014. The lowest number of deaths was reported in 2009 with only 24. But these recent deaths continue to highlight the need for employers and employees to follow all safety protocols while on the job in order to minimize injuries. However, any Michigan worker who is injured on the job may want to contact an attorney in order to fully understand the legal options that are available to them.

Source:, “MIOSHA enews“, Aug.4, 2015